Check the spelling of topics and maps

This procedure describes how to spell check topics and maps.

From the Spellchecker view you can:

  • Open the document that contains the misspelled word and fix the error
  • Add a word to a global custom dictionary
  • Choose from a list of suggestions and fix all occurrences of the misspelled word in the selected document

To check the spelling of a topic or map:

  1. Right-click the topic(s) or map you want to check and select Spellcheck.

    If you select a map, all of its child topics are checked as well.

    The Spellchecker view is displayed, listing misspelled words, if any.
  2. To fix a spelling mistake:
    1. If the containing document is unlocked, right-click the document in the Spellchecker view and select Lock.
      The containing document is locked.
    2. Double-click the misspelled word.
      The containing document opens in the XML editor.
    3. Fix the spelling in the document.
  3. To replace all occurrences of a misspelled word in the selected document with a suggestion:
    1. If the containing document is unlocked, right-click the document in the Spellchecker view and select Lock.
    2. Select the misspelled word in the Spellchecker view.
    3. In the Suggestions area, select the correct word.
    4. Click Change All.
      A message similar to the following is displayed:
      Replacing all occurrences of a word
      To replace all occurrences of the word in the document, click OK.
      Note: You will not be able to undo these changes using the Undo feature of your XML editor. If you clicked OK but need to revert your changes, you can use the Replace with Server Revision feature.
  4. To add a word to the custom dictionary:
    1. Select the word to add in the Spellchecker view.
    2. Click Add to Dictionary.
    3. Click OK to confirm.
      The word is added to the custom dictionary, which is shared by all users in your deployment.
      Note: If you get a message similar to the following:
      Custom dictionary error message

      Then a custom dictionary does not exist for your deployment. Ask your CMS Administrator to create the custom dictionary by adding a word to it.