Remove a object from a map

You can use this procedure to remove topics and maps from other maps.

The map must be locked.

A document can be easily removed from a map if it is not required for a given document deliverable. This will not affect other maps where a topic may be referenced.

Tip: If you remove a parent topic from a map, all its children are removed as well. If you want to keep child topics in a map, first move them elsewhere in the map.
  1. Open the map in the DITA Map view.
  2. Right-click the map, topic, or parent topic for a sub-tree, and select Remove from Map.
    If you are removing a sub-tree or a map, the Remove Map dialog asks if you are certain you want to remove the topic and all its children from the map. Click Yes to continue.
    The selected documents are removed from the map but stay in the repository.