Supported Data Set Definition dialog operations by column

Each column in the Data Set Definition dialog offers you operations that you can perform on the data you're extracting from the repository.

The operations that are available in the Data Set Definition dialog depend on a column's position and the choices you've made in the columns above it. Not all columns support the same set of operations.

First Column

When you configure your first column (that’s the first row in the table), you have the following choices:
  • List all values – produces a list of the required values in the final data set.
  • Group on values – groups values according to the number of documents that fit the selected criterion.

Second Column

Your choice of operations in the first column largely determines what’s available for selection when you configure your second column, whatever sort of column you’re configuring, be it Type, Status, Language, or whatever.
  • If you chose List all values in the first column, then you’ll only be able to choose List values.
  • If you chose Group on values, then you’ll only be offered Also group on values.
Numerical columns such as File size, on the other hand, also offer you the Calculate operation.
And the ID column supports the following three special operations (in addition to List and Group):
  • Calculate parent maps – which returns how many maps reference a given document.
  • Calculate parent references – which calculates how many documents other than maps refer to a given document. This includes hrefs and conrefs.
  • Calculate child references – which calculates how many child documents a given document references. This includes hrefs, conrefs, and references by resources.

Third and subsequent columns

These columns only support the List operation. They’re useful when you want details about the previous columns, such as titles, file names, and so forth.