Using IXIASOFT's ticket reporting system (OTRS)

OTRS is the recommended way to communicate issues to Customer Support.

OTRS is IXIASOFT's online ticket-reporting system. It enables you to easily report any issues or problems you encounter. It also enables you to ask any questions that are not answered by the online help or PDF documentation.

Not only does OTRS record the initial question, it also keeps track of IXIASOFT's responses to you and your replies back to IXIASOFT. After your initial submission, you receive e-mails for each communication. You can respond directly to these e-mails if that is more convenient for you, and your responses are recorded in OTRS with the ticket.

Within OTRS, you can view a list of all your tickets and their statuses, to quickly see all resolved and outstanding issues that you haveā€”all in one place.

OTRS stands for "Open-source Ticket Request System." You can learn more about it at

Instructions about how to complete an OTRS ticket are provided in OTRS Quick Reference available on the IXIASOFT website (