Working with views and editors

You can move and resize views and editors.

Views and editors can be resized and dragged into whatever layout works best for you. Changes you make to the DITA Perspective are saved when you log off. To restore default settings select: Window > Reset Perspective.

Moving views and editors

You can click a view's title bar and drag it on top of any other view. Or you can drag a view out of the Workbench altogether so that it floats in front of the DITA Perspective.

Editors, on the other hand, can only appear in the editor area, which is in the center of the DITA Perspective by default.

Like views, the files that are open for editing can be stacked one on top of the other. However, if you are using more than one editor – Notepad and oXygen, for example – you have the option of tiling them in the editor area. See Eclipse help for details.

Resizing views and editors

Views and editors have Maximize, Minimize, and Restore controls at the top to give you more layout options.

When you minimize a view, it collapses into the trim at the side of the Workbench window along with all the other views in that particular pane. You can see the icons for each of the minimized views displayed in the Trim Stack (see the picture in Maximize, minimize, or restore a view).

Likewise, when you minimize one editor, all other editors that are currently open will be minimized as well. The editor area's Trim Stack, however, only displays a single icon that represents the contents of the editor area.

You can restore a single view by clicking its icon in a Trim Stack, or you can restore an entire stack of views by clicking a Trim Stack's Restore icon.