How can I display topic titles that contain conkeyrefs or conrefs?

You can edit an index to display the conref.


When a title contains only a conref, the title appears blank in DITA Map view and the Search Results view.


An existing index needs to be modified in the default configuration.


For a conkeyref, in the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following:
  1. Edit the Index Definition file and uncomment out the following line in the <index NAME="title" SYNC="True"> index:
    <!-- The following XPath resolves @conkeyref attributes into the target element id, pre and postfixed with "%" -->
    <!--<element DEPTH="0" XPATH="normalize-space(string-join(for $e in (/*/*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]//node()) return (if ($e/@conkeyref) then concat('%', substring-after($e/@conkeyref,'/'), '%') else if ($e/self::text()) then string(normalize-space($e)) else ''), ' '))"/>-->
  2. Right-click on your Content Store. Click Rebuild All Indexes.
  3. When the index has finished indexing, restart your IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop.
For a keyword, in the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following:
  1. Edit the Index Definition file and add the following line in the <index NAME="title" SYNC="True"> index:
    <!-- Added for keywords in titles, the following XPath resolves @keyword attributes into the target element id, pre and postfixed with "%" -->
    <element DEPTH="0" XPATH="normalize-space(string-join(for $e in (/*/*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]//node()) return (if ($e/@conkeyref) then concat('%', substring-after($e/@conkeyref,'/'), '%') else if ($e/@keyref) then concat('%', $e/@keyref, '%') else if ($e/self::text()) then string(normalize-space($e)) else ''), ' '))"/>				
  2. Right-click on your Content Store. Click Rebuild All Indexes.
  3. When the index has finished indexing, restart your IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop.