Search for a ticket

Over time, you might end up with a large number of tickets, making it difficult to find a specific one in the list. You can use multiple search criteria to find exactly the tickets you need. For instance, tickets created by you or all the tickets created by your company.

  1. Select the Tickets tab, then select Search.

    The Search screen appears.

  2. Enter the search criteria you want to use.

    These criteria correspond to the ticket information described previously. Some common searches are:

    • Tickets that contain specific text in the subject line (Subject)
    • Tickets that contain specific text in the body (Text)
    • Tickets at a specific priority or state (Priority, State)
    • Tickets created during a certain time period (Time restrictions)

    You can combine multiple criteria to narrow your search. If you don't see the tickets you expected to find, make your criteria less specific.

  3. Optional: If this is a search you expect to perform often, save its criteria as a template.
    1. Check the Save as Template? box.
    2. Enter a name for the template.
  4. Select the output type:
    • CSV - to output the results to a .csv file that you can open as a spreadsheet
    • Normal - to display the result onscreen
    • Print - to send the results to a selected printer
  5. Click Search.

    Depending on the output type you selected, one of three things will happen:

    • CSV - OTRS asks you where you want to save the .csv file.
    • Normal - the results appear on a new screen. After viewing the results, click the Change search options link at the top left to return to the OTRS Search screen.
    • Print - the Print dialog appears. After printing the results, you need to click your browser's Back button to return to the OTRS Search screen. The Close window link does not work.