Reporting issues with IXIASOFT TEXTML Server

When you report problems with IXIASOFT TEXTML Server, inspect the log files for errors provide a list of the non-trivial issues.

Before reporting an issue, verify the log files for obvious problems such as out of disk errors, disk failures, or file permission errors for new Content Store installations.

If you have not already done so, enable the logcalls log, which can done by editing the TextmlServerCfg.xml file setting that says: <LogCalls>False</LogCalls> to <LogCalls>True</LogCalls>. The resulting logcallsYYYY-MM-DD.txt will appear in the log directory.

The logs are available in:

  • IXIASOFT TEXTML Server instance transaction log:

    Windows: %ProgramData%\Ixiasoft\TextmlServer<version>\log\textml_log.txt

    Linux: /opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver/<instance-name>/log/textml_log.txt

  • TEXTML Server log calls, if enabled:

    Windows: %ProgramData%\Ixiasoft\TextmlServer<version>\log\logcalls.txt

    Linux: /opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver/<instance-name>/log/logcalls.txt

If the issue is performance-related, look for and report the following information:

  • (Linux) Use the top command to display CPU processes. Provide the process size and available memory.
  • (Windows) Open performance counters and provide the average disk queue length from the logical disk where the Content Store is installed.
  • Provide the name of the operating system and version.
  • Provide the total memory on the system.

Include the following information in the OTRS ticket:

  • Create a .zip file of the logs and include it as an attachment.
  • Provide the TextmlServerCfg.xml file, which is available in %ProgramData%\Ixiasoft\TextmlServer<version> (Windows) or /opt/ixiasoft/textmlserver/instance-name/ (Linux).
  • (Optional) (Linux) Provide the coredump file, if available.