Example: Search by last modified date

This example shows how to find all the topics modified within a custom date range.

  1. Click Advanced Search Filter icon.
    The Advanced Search side panel opens.
  2. Expand the Last modification date filter.
  3. Click Custom.
  4. Select Between.
  5. For Start Date, either enter a date or click Calendar icon to pick one.
    The correct format for dates is yyyy/mm/dd. For example: 2020/12/31.
    Note: Dates are inclusive. For example, a search for topics with a modification between 2020/01/01 and 2020/01/03 will find topics modified on 01/01, 01/02, and 01/03.
  6. For End Date, either enter a date or click Calendar icon to pick one.
  7. Click Search.
The search results appear.