Change the status of an object

When you have finished your work on an object, you can use the Move action to move it to the next stage in the workflow.

Note: When you move an object to the next stage, you move it for all users assigned to it. You should only move an object to the next stage when all assigned users for that stage have finished working on it.

A Move button can appear for an object depending on your privileges. If you can move the object, the Move action appears in all pages for that object, such as the My Assignments page or the Map View for a map.

To Move an object to another status:

  1. For the object you want to move, click Move icon.
    You can do this from anywhere you see the Move icon icon, such as the My Assignments page, Map View, or your Favorites side panel.

    The Move dialog appears. All the drop-down menus and fields are optional.

  2. From the Status drop-down list select the next status you want.
  3. In the Comment field, add a comment.
    This comment is added to the revision history of the object assigned.
  4. Click Move.