Assign labels to documents

This procedure lets you apply additional information to any document in the repository.

You can apply labels to several documents at the same time, if you wish. Or you can apply several labels to one document, if it's appropriate.

Labels are grouped by category. The selections you see depend on your system's configuration.

Labels are indexed by the CMS; you can see the labels applied to a specific document when the Labels column is displayed in the DITA Map view or Search Results. If a document has been assigned more than one label then the different labels will all appear, separated by semicolons.
Note: You can also use the Assign Labels dialog to remove labels from documents.

You can search for labels using the Advanced Search feature.

  1. Select the documents you want to label.
    You can select one or more documents from the DITA Map view, Search Results view, or your Todo List.
  2. Right-click and select Assign Labels...
    The Assign Labels dialog appears.
  3. (Optional): Click Manage Categories and Labels to change the text or to add or delete the labels and categories that appear here.
    If you don't have the required user privileges, this checkbox will be disabled.
    Your changed labels and categories will be saved to the repository when you click OK. If you want to discard changes, click Cancel.
    The changes you make will not affect existing document labels unless you selected files before you opened the Assign Labels dialog.
    Tip: If you have selected some documents and then delete their labels, these labels are automatically removed from the documents.
  4. Expand a category node.
    You'll see the available labels.
  5. Expand a label node.
    You'll see the documents you selected for labeling.
  6. Click the documents that you want to apply the label to.

    Assign labels

  7. Open other categories and labels as required until all documents are assigned the appropriate labels.
  8. Click OK.