Add members to the team

This procedure specifies the set of people who will work on the project.

  1. Expand the project, if necessary, to display its items.
  2. Right-click the Team item, and select Manage from the menu.
    The Team Selection dialog appears.
  3. From the Group by list, select the way you want your choices displayed.
    This list lets you select your personnel from different categories:
    • User Role - sorts people by their responsibilities, such as Graphic Artist or Subject Matter Expert.
    • User Group - sorts people by other potentially useful categories, such as Senior Writers or Paris Employees.
    • No Grouping - presents the list of all available personnel.
    The categories within each grouping are configurable and may vary.

    Staff  Selection dialog

  4. Select the people you want to have as members of your team.
    You can select people from within a role or group by opening the tree and selecting individual names.
    Note: In a grouped view, if you select a user from one group then their name will be selected in every other group for which they are configured. In the example above, selecting Jane Doe as Author automatically selects her in the Editor group as well.

    This does not, however, influence the role assignments that you later make for Jane (or any other team member). People may be assigned to as few or as many roles as they are configured to hold.

  5. Click OK.
    The choices are assigned to your project's team.
These team members should now be assigned to their default roles in the project.