Find a topic in a map

You can find out where a topic is in the map that you have open in DITA Map view.

You must have the map open in the DITA Map view.

You can use this to find a topic that is either open in Oxygen XML Editor or selected in a view, such as the Search Results view.

Note: You can also use this feature to find images or resources that are referenced directly by the map. This is useful for images used in <keydef> maps.

To select the topic in a map:

  • In the DITA toolbar, click the Select in map button (Select in Map button).
    The topic must be open and selected (have focus) in the editor area for this to work.
  • From most views (Search Result, Dependencies, Documents, etc.), right-click the object and select Select in map.

The object is highlighted in the open map. If necessary, the appropriate map sub-trees expand to show the location.