Pushing content

You can push content from an object in one Branch to other Branches.

Content is pushed from one Branch to another in one of the following ways:

  • If the other Branch has a different instance of the object, that instance updates. You can choose to update it automatically or manually.

  • If the other Branch does not have an instance of the object, the object is shared with the other Branch. Both Branches now have the same instance of the object.

Automatic and manual updating

When you push an object to update another instance, CCMS Web checks the instance in the other Branch for recent changes.

If the other instance was modified more recently than the object that you are pushing, there might be potential conflicts. You must manually update the instance in the other Branch. You must compare the two instances and decide which changes to keep or overwrite.

If there are no conflicting updates between the two instances, CCMS Web can automatically update the instance in the other Branch. The two instances will have identical content.

Note: You can choose to manually update an instance even if an automatic update is allowed.

Dependencies of the object

If you push an object that has any dependencies, one of the following happens:

  • If an instance of the dependency already exists in the other Branch, the dependency is not updated.

    The object in that Branch updates, but it will still refer to the instance of the dependency that already exists in that Branch. If you want to update the dependencies in that Branch, you must push each of them individually.

  • If an instance of the dependency does not exist in the other Branch, an instance of the dependency is shared with that Branch.

    However, a dependency cannot be added to the other Branch if it is checked out by another user. If you have it checked out, you can check it in during the push.

    Note: If the dependency is a submap, a new instance of the map is created in the other Branch. Maps are never shared between Branches.