
TEXTML Server allows you to construct two types of queries.

  • Document queries that retrieve documents. Almost of the queries in this documentation are document queries.
  • Indexed value queries that retrieve the list of values in an index. For example, from a FullText index of all the words in a docbase, an Indexed value query retrieves a list of all the words that are currently indexed.

The elements you can use in XML queries are:

  • Keys: references to the indexes in which the search is performed.
  • Operators: elements that join two searched values.
  • Wildcards: elements that replace characters or strings.
  • Results and Result spaces: Container objects used to store and manipulate data retrieved by a search.

The data types of the search terms in a query are the same as for an index: words, strings, dates, times and numbers.

For the complete syntax of the two types of queries, see the following two DTDs (Document Type Definitions):

  • Document queries: SEARCH_DOCUMENTS.DTD
  • Indexed value queries: SEARCH_DOCUMENTS.DTD

For a query that will retrieve all DTDs and other system documents from a docbase (including the sample docbase that you can create using documents and Index Definition document), see Retrieving all DTDs and other system documents

Note: If your searches fail because they time out, you can change a setting in Eclipse. In the Java perspective, first select Debug Configurations > (x)= Arguments. Then, in the VM arguments text box, insert the following statement: -Dcom.sun.CORBA.transport.ORBTCPReadTimeouts=1:15000:300:1.