Deleting documents and versions of documents

Getting a document by its name shows how to retrieve a document when you know its name (i.e., its unique identifier). The logic is very similar to deleting a document and deleting a version of a document.

To delete a document when you know its name, call IxiaDocumentServices.RemoveDocuments :

// The document to be deleted:
String documentName = ... ;
// Delete the document from this document base:
IxiaDocBaseServices docbase = ... ;
// Get a DocumentServices object for the docbase
IxiaDocumentServices ds = docbase.DocumentServices;

// An array of documents to be deleted. We need only one element:
String [] documents = new String[1];

// Insert the one document into the array:
documents[0] = documentName;

// This call will delete <documentName> from <docbase>:
ds.RemoveDocuments (documents);

To delete one version of a document without deleting the rest of the documents, append the version number to the document's name, then call IxiaDocumentServices.RemoveVersions:

// We'll delete version 2 of this document:
String documentName = ... ;
String documentAndVersion = documentName + ";2" ;
// We'll delete <documentAndVersion> from this document base:
IxiaDocBaseServices docbase = ... ;
// Get a DocumentServices object for the docbase:
IxiaDocumentServices ds = docbase.DocumentServices;

// An array of document;versions to be deleted. We need only one element:
String [] documents = new String[1];

// Insert <documentAndVersion> into the array:
documents[0] = documentAndVersion;

// This call will delete version 2 of <documentName> from <docbase>,
// while leaving other versions untouched:
ds.RemoveVersions (documents);
Note: There are several overloaded versions of RemoveDocuments and RemoveVersions: see class IxiaDocumentServices and/or class IxiaMetaServices. Use them to delete documents and versions from multiple document bases, to use various data structures to store the list of documents, and so forth.