Step 1 (optional): Download another version of the Open Toolkit

The DITA Open Toolkit website provides all the Open Toolkit versions.

When you download a new version of the DITA Open Toolkit, it must be stored in the %OutputGenDir%/data directory, with the following naming convention:
  • DITA-OT 1.x family: DITA-OTversion
  • DITA-OT 2.x family: dita-ot-version
Where version is the Open Toolkit version number. For example:

Where [version] is replaced by the release version number.

To download another version of the Open Toolkit:

  1. Go to the DITA Open Toolkit download website:
  2. Download the package for the version of the Open Toolkit that you need.
    The Open Toolkit is packaged as a .zip (Windows) or .tar.gz (Unix) file.
  3. Extract the file to the %OutputGenDir%/data directory.
    For example, for the 1.5.4 DITA-OT:

    Where [version] is replaced by the release version number.

    Note: Keep the directory name as defined by the Open Toolkit (for example, DITA-OT1.5.4 or dita-ot-2.1.0). The Output Generator assumes that the DITA Open Toolkit files are stored in a directory that follows this naming convention.
  4. Copy the following plugins from the %OutputGenDir%/data/DITA-OT1.8.5/plugins directory to the %OutputGenDir%/data/%NewOT_Dir%/plugins directory (for example, %OutputGenDir%/data/DITA-OT1.5.4/plugins):
    • com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd: Includes the IXIASOFT DITA DTD specializations
    • com.ixiasoft.images: Handles the .image file extension for the image objects
    • Handles the PDF-based review process.
      Note: You need to copy this plugin only if you want to change the ReviewPDF and RedlinePDF transformation scenarios to a different version of the DITA-OT.
    • org.w3c.mathml3: MathML 3 DTDs
    • org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes: MathML DITA integration
    • org.w3c.svg1.0: SVG 1.0 DTDs
    • org.w3c.svg1.1: SVG 1.1 DTDs
  5. If you added plugins to the previous Open Toolkit, copy them to the plugins directory of the new Open Toolkit (for example, %OutputGenDir%/data/DITA-OT1.5.4/plugins).
  6. Copy any custom DITA-OT changes from %OutputGenDir%/data/%OldOT_Dir%/resource to %OutputGenDir%/data/%NewOT_Dir%/resource.
    Note: See the DITA-OT documentation for more information.
  7. Run the DITA-OT integrator.
    This step depends on the DITA-OT family:
    Table 1.
    If your DITA-OT version is Do this
    Lower than 1.6.2 Please contact IXIASOFT Customer Support.
    In the DITA-OT 1.x family and 1.6.2 or higher
    1. Browse to the location where you extracted the installation files for the new version of the CCMS Output Generator.
    2. Copy the following plugins from the DITA-OT 1.8.5 folder (for example: %OutputGenDir%/data/DITA-OT1.8.5/plugins):
      • com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd
      • com.ixiasoft.images
      • org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes
      • org.w3c.mathml3
      • org.w3c.svg1.0
      • org.w3c.svg1.1
    3. Paste them into your DITA-OT/plugins folder in the new version of the CCMS Output Generator (for example, the %OutputGenDir%/data/DITA-OTx.x.x/plugins folder).
    In the DITA-OT 2.x family
    1. Browse to the location where you extracted the installation files for the new version of the CCMS Output Generator.
    2. Copy the following plugins from the DITA-OT 2.3.1 folder (for example: %OutputGenDir%/data/dita-ot-2.3.1/plugins folder):
      • com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd
      • com.ixiasoft.images
      • com.ixiasoft.pdf.review20
      • org.oasis-open.dita.v1_3
      • org.w3c.svg1.0
      • org.w3c.svg1.1
    3. Paste them into your DITA-OT/plugins folder in the new version of the CCMS Output Generator (for example, the %OutputGenDir%/data/DITA-OTx.x.x/plugins folder).
    4. If you were using the IXIASOFT DITA 1.2 MathML3 integration (before it was available in DITA 1.3) in your previous version, copy the following plugin from the DITA-OT 1.8.5 folder (for example: %OutputGenDir%/data/DITA-OT1.8.5/plugins) and paste it in your DITA-OT/plugins folder in the new version of the CCMS Output Generator (for example, the %OutputGenDir%/data/DITA-OTx.x.x/plugins folder):
      • org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes
      • If you have a plugin called com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd in as part of your DITA-OT 2.x installation, delete it. This file is replaced with the plugin com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd and it is backward compatible.
    Note: If a message similar to the following is displayed:
    Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\tools.jar
    This message means that you are using a JRE instead of a JDK to run the Output Generator. You can ignore this message if you do not need to compile Java classes in your plugin. Otherwise, you must configure the Output Generator to run the JDK instead of the JRE. Update this information in the wrapper.conf file. See the Installing CCMS Output Generator for more information.