How can I prevent a "Unable to retrieve state do not translate for cycle Localization" error

You can make a configuration change to prevent this error.


When a user creates an image but does not select the Needs translation check box, the image is set to Localization:do not translate when localized. If the Localization: do not translate state is not defined in the system/conf/image_status.xml file, this error will occur.


Edit the system/conf/image_status.xml file and add the following entry:
    <!-- Localization cannot have multiple higher states ( higher state are next to current with a higher level ) -->
    <cycle collection="/content/localization/" description="" initial="false" lastworkcycle="false"
        level="0" name="Localization" type="localization">
            <state level="0" name="do not translate" type="work">
            <state initial="true" level="0" name="tb translated" type="work">
                    <next>in translation</next>