Add users to the Advanced User group

You must add users to the new Advanced Users group in the users.xml file to give them access to advanced user functionality (i.e. to make them writers).

The users.xml file must be editable. If it is locked by another CCMS Web administrator, a message appears on the User Management page saying that "users.xml is locked by [email] since [date]". Confer with the other administrator prior to breaking the lock on the file.

Add a user to the Advanced Users group within users.xml to provide access for the user to the Advanced User interface.

  1. In TEXTML Administration perspective, right-click the Content Store node and select CCMS Admin > Manage Users.
    The User Manager window opens.
    Note: IXIASOFT recommends that you avoid directly editing the users.xml file. The User Manager window has built-in validation mechanisms to reduce errors.
  2. Select the user's name in the Users list.
    The Groups list displays all the groups that have been configured for your deployment.
  3. Select the Advanced Users group.
  4. Repeat steps to make additional users Advanced Users.
  5. Click Check In Document (check in manager icon).