Recommended manual changes for 6.0

These are recommended changes to the configuration that occurred in IXIASOFT CCMS 6.0.

Make the following changes to files in the /system/conf/ directory:

File Changes Reason for change

For Standard and DRM

Disabled the method "Pre-Localize".
 <!-- Enable only for concurrent
 		localization on standard mode -->
   <!--<role name="Translation Coordinator"/>-->
   <!--<group name="System Administrators"/>-->
The default localization manager for both Standard and DRM is the Sequential method, which does not support the Pre-Localize action. Therefore, it should be disabled in accessrights.xml.

For Standard and DRM

Remove the role Information Architect from the "CreateTopic" method.

When the Information Architect role is set for the CreateTopic method, it becomes available in the topic templates for the web. But since the Information Architect role is not configured to be active for topics, the topics created from a template with that role will not be assigned to the creator. This results in the topic not being visible in the assignments of the creator.


For DRM only

Added new parameter in a comment:
<!--<config name="
Note: The ¶ symbol is not part of the code sample. It shows a required line break so the example can be displayed properly.

This parameter can be used with the Sequential Localization Manager so it has to be available in DRM as well.

It does not affect the operation of the CCMS if you do not have this property

roles.dtd The mode for the <role> and <doctype> elements are more flexible. Roles can have no doctype associated and doctype can have no timeline associated.

The goal of this change is to allow the creation of roles that are not specifically associated to an object type or not active for those object types. This can be useful to use this roles in the access rights, instead of groups, since groups now serve a new purpose with the Content Level Security.