Create a framework extension from the template

If you do not already have a framework extension with your company name, you can create a basic framework extension.

Typically, a basic framework extension is provided to your company within the file. A copy of this file should be stored in the same location where you keep your Content Store.

If you aren't sure you have a customized framework extenstion, you can check to see if you have a custom one in IXIASOFT CCMS Web.

Note: In a dedicated SaaS deployment, you cannot directly access the Oxygen XML Web Author Component. Contact IXIASOFT Customer Support about updating your Oxygen XML Web Author framework extension.
  1. Open the administration page of the Oxygen Web Author Component by entering the following URL in a browser:
    http://host name:TOMCAT_HTTP_PORT/oxygen-webapp/app/oxygen.html

    Where for host name and TOMCAT_HTTP_PORT:

    • host name is the name of the machine where you installed the Apache Tomcat service
    • TOMCAT_HTTP_PORT is the value you specified in the properties.txt file for that parameter

    For example: http://localhost:8080/oxygen-webapp/app/oxygen.html

  2. At the top of the web page, click Administration Page.
  3. Enter the Apache Tomcat username and password.

    The username and password are the TOMCAT_USER and TOMCAT_PASSWORD values you specified in the properties.txt file for those parameters.

  4. In the left pane, click Frameworks.

Several framework extensions are listed on the Oxygen Administration > Frameworks page. There should be framework extensions with your company name at the end of the filename, for example:

  • DITA map-company
  • DITA-company
  • DITA-advanced-company

If these framework extensions are not listed, you can create your own from the template provided on the IXIASOFT download page. If these framework extensions are listed, you can use them to customize the basic CSS styles for Oxygen Web Author.