Retrieve an archived map

If you need to work on an archived map, you can retrieve it from the archive collection and move it back to the published repository.

When users archive a published map, the map and all its documents are moved to the archive section of the repository. If users need to work with this map, you can retrieve it from the archive collection and move it to the published repository.

  1. In the TEXTML Administration perspective, connect to your server.
  2. Expand the repository's /archive/content/published/<language> collection, where <language> is the language of the map to retrieve.
  3. Locate the directory for the map you want to retrieve.
    For example:
    Map to retrieve
  4. Expand the repository's /content/published/<language> collection, where <language> is the language of the map to retrieve.
    For example:
    Published collection
  5. Drag the directory for the map from the /archive/content/published/<language> collection to the /content/published/<language> collection.
  6. Expand the directory for the map.
  7. Right-click the ditamap file, and select Make Indexable.
    Note: If some dependencies of the map fail to appear searches or the Dependencies view, repeat this step to make other files in the directory for the map indexable.
The map is retrieved.