Determining which errors and warnings appear on the Output Analyzer page

You can determine which warning and error messages appear on the Output Analyzer page in CCMS Web.

When you generate output in CCMS Web , you can then view the My Outputs page to download the output and also to view a error log of the output. The log appears on the Output Analyzer page:

Output Analyzer page with warnings

The errors and warnings that appear on this page are controlled by the log-analyzer-config.xml file, which is found in %OutputGenDir%/data/resources/. This file includes a list of warning and error messages to include or exclude based on the wording of the messages.

Most warning and error messages are included by default, but you might find that some of these are not helpful. For example, by default the file includes all warnings and errors that include the text "[ERROR]" or "[WARN]":

<ot-log-include level="ERROR">.*\[ERROR\].*</ot-log-include>
    <ot-log-include level="WARN">.*\[WARN\].*</ot-log-include>

The file also excludes all warnings and errors that include the text "[fop]":

<ignore level="ERROR">.*\[fop\] \[ERROR\] Image not available.*</ignore>
<ignore level="ERROR">.*\[fop\] \[ERROR\] Image not found.*</ignore>
<ignore level="WARN">.*\[fop\] \[WARN\] Substituted specified hyphenation character.*</ignore>

To exclude an error message, move the appropriate lines to the "ignore" section of the file and change them from <ot-log-include level="ERROR"> to <ignore level="ERROR">.

You can find a list of many DITA-OT error messages at %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/resources/messages.xml. Additional PDF renderer-specific messages can be found in the documentation for the specific renderer.