Create and use an Antenna House settings file

An Antenna House settings file enables you to control many aspects of PDF generation, including PDF version, tagging for accessibility, font embedding, password-based security, image downsampling, and more.

  1. Open AHFormatter.exe.

    This application is found in the Antenna House installation folder, usually in Program Files.

  2. Select Format > PDF Option Setting.
  3. Move through the five available tabs, setting each option as appropriate.

    For details on the available settings, refer to the Antenna House 7.0 documentation at

    This information should be accurate for earlier versions of Antenna House as well, especially 6.x.

  4. When you have set all options, select Format > Export Option Setting.
  5. Name the file AHFSettings.xml, and save it locally.
  6. Copy the file to %OutGen%\data\resources\client.
  7. Edit outgen-init-client.xml to add the path to the file.
    1. In the Config for ah section, uncomment the following line:
      <!--<property name="env.AXF_OPT" location="${outgen.resources.dir.client}${file.separator}AHFSettings.xml"/>-->
    2. Save outgen-init-client.xml.
  8. Generate a PDF to test the settings.