Automatic index update properties for a docbase

The Indexing Properties, Deindexing Properties, and CustomProp Properties segments of the Properties window display automatic index update properties for the selected docbase.

See also Configure automatic index updates.
Table 1. Indexing Properties
Property Description Default
Indexing documents count The number of added or modified documents which triggers the indexing process. 100
Indexing documents size The total size, in kilobytes, of documents added or modified which triggers the indexing process. 0
Indexing Period The maximum interval, in seconds, between indexing processes. 10
Indexing Time The time at which the indexing process should begin. Time is specified in a 24- hour format. 0:0:0
On index change Indicates whether indexing is performed whenever the index definition is modified. True
Table 2. Deindexing Properties
Property Description Default
Deindexing documents count The number of added or modified documents which triggers the deindexing process. 100
Deindexing period The maximum interval, in seconds, between deindexing processes. 100
Deindexing time The time at which the deindexing process should begin. Time is specified in a 24-hour format. 0:0:0
On index definition change Specifies that deindexing is performed whenever the index definition is modified. 0
Table 3. Custom Properties
Property Description Default
CustomProp documents count The number of added or modified documents which triggers the indexing or deindexing process for the custom properties. 100
CustomProp period The maximum interval, in seconds, between the indexing or deindexing processes. 10
CustomProp time The time at which the indexing or deindexing process should begin. 0:0:0
On index definition change Indexing is performed whenever the index definition is modified. Time is specified in a 24- hour format. False