Undo check-out without saving

This procedure returns a checked-out document to the state it was in prior to checkout.

Changes that have been made since the last check-out are not saved to the docbase.

To undo a checkout:

  1. Open the Administration Console and connect to the server and the docbase.
    1. If the document is open, close it.
      If you have made changes to the document, you will get a message inviting you to save the file locally:

      Figure: Save dialog

    2. Click No, to discard your changes.
      Note: Even if you click Yes above, the file will only be saved locally, and if you undo the checkout subsequently, the changes will not be saved to the docbase.
  2. Right-click the document filename and select Break lock.
    The lock icon is replaced by the document icon. . Any changes that were made to the document since the last checkout, even if they were saved locally, are discarded.