Create a reference list

You cam create a reference list for use in indexing.

Reference lists contain either:
  • Words or strings you want indexed
  • Words or strings you want to exclude from indexing. This type of list is often known as a stop word list.
The latter type of list is more common, since most users find it more simple to indicate words to be omitted, than to attempt to list all indexable words. However, an indexable words or strings list might be used for a docbase where you want to ensure that the documents it contains are returned only for very specific queries.

Once a reference list has been created, you must associate the list with an index and define the list as an indexable word or string list in the index. If you do not want the content of the reference list indexed, you must associate the list with an index and define the list as an unindexable word or string list in the index.

Note: You must create reference lists before you create the word or string indexes that reference them.

To create a reference list:

  1. Open the Index Definition document.
  2. Under the root element <indexdefinition> add a root element <referencelists>.
  3. Under the <referencelists> element add one of the following:
    • a <wordlist> element, to create list of words
    • a <stringlist> element, if you want to create a list of strings. Strings differ from words in that they can contain spaces. For example, "acme" is a word; "acme enterprises" is a string.
    For example:
  4. Give the list a name. For example:
    <wordlist NAME="FullTextStopWordList">
  5. Add your words or strings to the reference list.
    Note: As a starting point for a stop words list, you might want to copy words from the reference list provided in the sample Index Definition document: %ProgramFiles%\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer[version]\SDK\indexdefinition.xml
    For example:
       <wordlist NAME="FullTextStopWordList">
  6. When you are done, select File>Save to save your changes locally.
    Note: To associate the reference list with a specific index, you must first create the index.