unitkey (advanced index conjunction operator)

The unitkey operator is used to locate documents that contain one or more specified values within the same unit, across two or more indexes.

Note: The unitkey operator is different from the unit operator in that the former is used to search different units in more than one index, whereas the latter is used to search for terms within a single unit. Both operators require that you have previously defined units.

This sample query will retrieve all documents in which the word "director" appears in the "roles" index and "Eastwood" appears within the "cast & crew" index, searching within the "person" unit.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- unitkeyQuery.xml -->
<query VERSION="4.5" RESULTSPACE="unitkeyQuery">
  <unitkey NAME="person">
    <key NAME="roles">
    <key NAME="cast & crew">