Retrieve all values in the "FullText" dictionary

This procedure describes how to retrieve all values in the "FullText" dictionary.

Before attempting this procedure, ensure that you have:
  • Installed an indexable docbase.
  • Created an Index Definition document with a "FullText" index definition.
  • Performed an indexing update on your docbase.

The "FullText" index definition is used to search an entire document. The Index Definition document provided with TEXTML Server contains only this index definition.

To create and run an indexed values query for the "FullText" dictionary:

  1. Log in to the TEXTML Server Administration Console.
  2. Expand the docbase.
  3. Right-click Indexed Value Queries and select New Query>Search Index Query.
  4. Beside New query name, enter a name for the query and press OK.

    Figure: FullText index query

    The new query appears under the Indexed Value Queries folder.
  5. Using a text editor such as Notepad, open the GetAllWordsInFulltextIndex.xml sample located in: %ProgramFiles%\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer[version]\SDK\Queries.
  6. Copy the query text.
  7. Double-click the new query to open it, and paste the sample query into the workspace:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    <query VERSION="4.5" >
    	<key NAME="fulltext">
    		<elem><anystr/> </elem>
    Note: The <anystr> attribute tells TEXTML Server to retrieve all strings in the dictionary. Alternatively, you could use <anychr> to locate all single characters, or <oneof> plus a <choice> list to retrieve specific values. Refer to SEARCH_INDEX.DTD for details on elements and attributes.
  8. Save the query.
  9. Right-click the query and select Run.
    The TEXTML Index Values tab displays the contents of the "FullText" dictionary.

    Figure: Indexed values for the "FullText" dictionary