Search parameters

The parameters in the <Search> element set values for the search processes in TEXTML Server to control memory consumption.

Table 1. Docbase search parameters
Parameter name Default value Description
ListSearchRatio (not specified) Specifies the ratio of lists to searches that will trigger a particular search optimization in TEXTML Server.
MaxSearchIndexesOccurrences (not specified) Specifies the maximum number of results returned by a searchindex call. If not specified, the maximum is 50,000.
MaxWildcardOccurrences (not specified)

Specifies the maximum number of results returned by a search with <anystr/>. If not specified, maximum is 3,000,000. When this limit is exceeded, a warning is issued, and the search is stopped. The resultspace is still displayed.

MaxResultspaceMemoryUsage 1000000 Specifies the maximum memory, in kilobytes, taken by a resultspace. Because resultspaces are kept on the server, it is necessary to limit the amount of memory they consume.
RelevancyParamK1 2.0 Internal IXIASOFT parameter used during relevance sorting. Do not modify unless requested by IXIASOFT.
RelevancyParamB 0.75 Internal IXIASOFT parameter used during relevance sorting. Do not modify unless requested by IXIASOFT.
LongQueriesThreshold 60 Length of time (in seconds) a query evaluation can take before triggering a warning.