Query troubleshooting checklist

Refer to the following checklist if you are having problems running a query:

  1. Have the documents in your docbase been made indexable?
  2. Have you performed an indexing update on your docbase since last making changes?
  3. Is the Key NAME you specified in the query the exact name of an index defined in your docbase's Index Definition document? Note: names are case sensitive.
  4. Are the element names and attributes in your Index Definition document XPATH expressions written exactly as they appear in the XML documents in your database?
  5. Did you save your query before attempting to run it?
  6. If you made changes to the Index Definition document, did you lock it, save it, and check it back in before running the query?
Tip: If your searches fail because they time out, you can change a setting in Eclipse. In the Java perspective, select Run>Debug Configurations > (x)= Arguments. Then, in the VM arguments text box, insert the following statement: -Dcom.sun.CORBA.transport.ORBTCPReadTimeouts=1:15000:300:1.