Share shared queries

You can share the queries that have been shared with you.

  1. In the Queries panel of the Search view, open a Shared item, either:
    • Shared, or
    • Shared TEXTML
    You'll see the Roles and/or Groups items that contain your shared queries.
  2. Expand the appropriate Roles or Groups item.
    You'll see the items for the various role names or group names that contain shared queries.
  3. Expand the required rolename or groupname item.

    Under each role or group name you'll see the queries that have already been shared.

    The following image shows the queries that have been shared with a user in her various roles – one as an Editor and the other as Project Coordinator.

    Share query

  4. Right-click a query and select Share queryname, where queryname is the query you've selected.
    The Share query with... dialog appears.
  5. Select the Roles and Groups you want to share the query with.
  6. Click OK.
The query will appear under the Shared item of people who are in the groups and/or roles you specified.

If you are a member of any of these groups, the query will also appear under your own Shared item.