Update the version of a library

You can change the version of a library in a dependency graph.

When you change the version of a library, all occurrences of this library in the dependency graph are updated.

To update a library version, the parent of the library must be opened as the focus library in the Library Dependency Editor.

To update an library to another version:

  1. Identify the parent library common to the versions being updated and open that parent as the focus library in the Library Dependency Editor.
  2. In the Library Dependency Editor, right-click the parent library and click Lock.
  3. Right-click the library you want to update and select Update Library, select the version, and click OK.
    The library is updated to the selected version.
  4. Right-click in the Library Dependency Editor and click Release all.

    If errors are found in the result, they are displayed in the Release All Libraries dialog box. These errors must be resolved before the version can be released. To assist in resolving the errors, you can click the following:

    • Save: to save the list of errors in a tab-separated (TSV) file.
    • Locate: to open the list of errors in the Search Results view.
    • Copy: to copy the name and ID of the selected version.
    • Show In Graph: to display a dependency graph of the results.
  5. If no errors are discovered, the Validation Graph opens and displays all the changes that will occur once the version is released. Click Next.
  6. In the Release dialog box, add a comment describing the change and click OK.