Auto-translation and XLIFF files

If the localization kit is generated as XLIFF files (in the node-based and concurrent localization methods), the <ixia_locid> attributes are not used to influence the structure of the XLIFF file itself.

In this case, the XLIFF creation stylesheet decides whether an element becomes a <group>, a <trans-unit>, or an inline <g> or <x> element solely based on the content of the element.

Some notes:
  • If an imported file contains the same <ixia_locid> twice, either because it was created that way during the export or because it was duplicated during translation, then only the first element will be considered during import.
  • If a <trans-unit> element was exported in the XLIFF without an <ixia_locid> attribute, then its translation will be ignored during the import of the translated XLIFF. Inline elements, <g> or <x>, will always be imported, whether they have an <ixia_locid> attribute or not.