The users collection

The users collection in the Content Repository contains user queries, searches, and other preferences. It contains a shared sub-collection and a sub-collection for each user.

The shared collection contains queries that are shared by all or multiple users. It contains the following sub-collections:
  • queries: any IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop queries that users have shared. There is a sub-collection for each role and group with which queries have been shared. These collections are dynamically created when queries are shared.
  • textml: any TEXTML queries that users have shared. There is a sub-collection for each role and group with which queries have been shared. These collections are dynamically created when queries are shared.
A collection for each user is dynamically created when each user first logs in. It contains the following sub-collections:
  • backup: Contains backup copies of locked objects. When a user locks objects, the collection is created and the objects are backed up to this collection at regular intervals.

    When the user releases (or revert) a lock document, the backup file is removed

  • datasetdefinition: Contains dataset defintions that have been created using the BIRT reporting functionality. Exists only if the user worked with BIRT reporting.
  • datasource: Contains data source files that have been created from dataset definitions as part of the BIRT reporting functionality. Exists only if the user worked with BIRT reporting.
  • preferences: Contains workspace preferences and customizations, including the following files:
    • columns_sets.xml:Contains the user's column display preferences for views such as Search Results, Documents, Todo List, etc.
    • comments_sets.xml: the user's most-recently used comments, for easy selection on the Change Status and Release dialogs
    • favourites.xml: Contains the user's favorited objects, to create the Favorites section of the Documents view
    • recent_documents.xml: the user's most recently-accessed content objects, to create the Recent Documents section of the Documents view
    • search.xml: Contains the user's preferences for the Search view, such as which panels to display, in what order, and the default settings for each panel.
    • transactions.xml: Contains the user's most recent operations, to create the Recent Operations section of the Documents view
    • windows_size_sets.xml: Contains the user's size and setting preferences for various dialogs such as the Create dialogs and the Generate Output dialog
  • queries: Contains saved queries and recent searches, including the following sub-collections:
    • history: Contains the user's most recent searches. (These can also be accessed under the History collection in the Queries section of the Search view)
    • personal: Contains any IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop queries the user has created and saved. (These can also be accessed under the Personal collection in the Queries section of the Search view)
    • textml: Contains any TEXTML queries the user has created and saved. (These can also be accessed under the Personal textml collection in the Queries section of the Search view)

If you store a copy of each user's folder in a safe location, you can restore all their preferences in the event the user needs to create a new workspace.