Configure storage time for My Outputs page

When a user generates an output, the output is stored on the user's My Outputs page once generated. You can change how long outputs are stored on the My Outputs page. This is a global setting for all users.

The online storage of outputs is meant to be a temporary storage of recently generated outputs. It is not a long term storage solution for outputs.
Note: In a dedicated SaaS deployment, you can't access IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator directly.
  1. On the server hosting IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator, open the %OutputGenDir%/conf/ folder.
  2. Edit the CMSServerService.config file.
  3. Look for <daysToKeep> in this section:
  4. Change the value of <daysToKeep> to the number of days you want.

    The default number of days to store outputs is 7 (i.e. 7 days).

    Note: When outputs are generated, they are flagged with this value. So an output already generated when daysToKeep was 2 will still be deleted after 2 days, even if daysToKeep is later set to 14.
  5. Save CMSServerService.config.