Configure IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop to display in a different language

The IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop can be displayed in English, French, German, and Japanese.

The interface integrates three parts: Eclipse, IXIASOFT CCMS, and an XML editor. For the interface to appear in a language other than English, each part must support the desired language and must be configured to appear in that language.

  • For the Eclipse interface to appear in the language, the Eclipse SDK must be updated with the required Eclipse Babel Language Pack, which is available from the IXIASOFT download site.
  • The CCMS includes the English, French, German, and Japanese versions of the labels and commands, which are enabled when you launch the CCMS Desktop in the desired locale.
  • The XML editor must be configured to display in the desired language.
Note: The language packs are included in the Eclipse package on the IXIASOFT Downloads site.
  1. To enable the appropriate language UI, specify the -nl [locale] command line argument when you launch Eclipse.

    Depending on the language you want to use, type one of the following using the method below:

    • For English: -nl en
    • For French: -nl fr
    • For German: -nl de
    • For Japanese: -nl ja
    Method Description
    The Eclipse shortcut

    Open the Properties of your Eclipse shortcut and add -nl [locale] to the Target box.

    For example, if you wanted to launch Eclipse with a French interface, you would do the following:

    Figure: Example of setting the language in the Eclipse shortcut
    Set Language in Eclipse shortcut
    The eclipse.ini file

    Find the eclipse.ini file in the folder where you installed the CCMS Desktop and open it in a text editor. At the beginning of the file add the following lines:


    For example, if you wanted to launch Eclipse with a French interface, your eclipse.ini file would look like the following:

    . . .								
    The start_cms[version].bat.txt file

    If you are using a batch file to start Eclipse, add the following lines before the %activedebug% parameter:

    -nl [locale]

    For example, if you wanted to launch Eclipse with a French interface, your start_cms[version].bat.txt file would look like the following:

    . . .
    echo Workspace folder is %data%										
    echo Config folder is %config%
    if not "%activedebug%"=="" echo Debug mode is on
    if not "%activedebug%"=="" echo The start command is
    if not "%activedebug%"=="" echo start 
    	%eclipsefolder%\%instance%\eclipse.exe -data %data% 
    	-configuration %config% -nl fr %activedebug%
    if not "%activedebug%"=="" pause
  2. If you are using Oxygen XML Author in any of your CCMS Desktop packages, do the following:
    1. For the current version of Oxygen XML Author, go to the following URL:
    2. Download the Eclipse <version> Language Pack.
    3. Extract the content of the downloaded file into the dropins folder where you installed the CCMS Desktop.
      For more information, see the Oxygen user documentation.
  3. If you are using Oxygen XML Editor in any of your CCMS Desktop packages, do the following:
    1. For the current version of Oxygen XML Editor, go to the following URL:
    2. Download the Eclipse <version> Language Pack.
    3. Extract the content of the downloaded file into the dropins folder where you installed the CCMS Desktop.
      For more information, see the Oxygen user documentation.
  4. Restart the CCMS Desktop.