Adding new triggers

Triggers are sets of code that are executed when users perform actions or when there is a status change.

Note: This can be applied within a Hosted environment, but only within a test server.

You can use one of the preconfigured triggers packaged with the IXIASOFT CCMS or you can create your own triggers.

Triggers are enabled in the triggers.xml file. There are two types of triggers:
  • CCMS action triggers: They are executed when users perform an action such as Release, Lock, Publish, etc. For example, a trigger can be used to automatically remove tracked changes from topics when users publish a document.
  • Status triggers: They are executed when there is a status change, for example, when a document object goes from Authoring:Draft to Authoring:Edit review. A status trigger could be used to archive any existing PDF review copies after the changes have been included and the document returns to a review state.
The following code shows how triggers are defined in the triggers.xml file:
<!-- Status trigger -->
<trigger apply-to="changeStatus" class="com.ixiasoft.cms.triggers.ArchiveReviewPDF" name="Archive" objtype="topic" schedule="after">
		<param name="initial-status" value="Authoring:draft"/>
		<param name="end-status" value="Authoring:edit review"/>

<!-- Action trigger -->
<trigger apply-to="Release" class="com.ixiasoft.cms.triggers.AddIds" name="AddIds" objtype="topic" schedule="before">         

Status triggers are configured by setting the apply-to attribute to "changeStatus", while action triggers are configured by setting the apply-to attribute to the action that will execute the trigger.

This section describes how to create new custom triggers and how to enable triggers (preconfigured and custom).