File comparison utilities

IXIASOFT CCMS contains utilities that let you perform document comparisons.

You also have the option of configuring the CCMS to use a compare tool that's installed on your system.

If you are comparing topics, the two selected topics open in the Eclipse Compare tool with the differences between the two files indicated. If you want to make edits to the topics while comparing them, lock the topics before comparing them; otherwise, the topics will open as read-only Compare files. See Eclipse documentation for more information.

If you are comparing maps, the DITA Map Compare Editor shows the two maps with their differences highlighted. A red highlight indicates that a topic is present in one map, but not in the other. A green highlight means that the topic is present in both maps, but not in the same position. No highlight means that the topics are present in both maps, and in the same position in the hierarchy.

Note that the DITA Map Compare Editor uses the topic ID and revision number to determine if two topics are identical. It does not look at the contents of the topics. Therefore, two topics with the same ID and identical contents but with different revision numbers will be considered different.