About the My Assignments page

The My Assignments page contains a list of all the active assignments that have been assigned to you.

Figure: My Assignments page
My Assignments page

An assignment is an object, such as a topic or Collaborative Review, that was assigned to you to complete some work on. The My Assignments page shows what objects you have in progress and what the due dates are.

Note: To update the information displayed within the My Assignments page, click the Refresh button in your browser.

The assignment becomes active when the object is in the correct status for the role that you were given. For example, if you are assigned to a topic as a contributor, the assignment becomes active when the topic is in Contribute status (or the equivalent in your deployment).

The Dashboard area

The Dashboard area summarizes how many assignments you have and where work is on them.

Figure: Dashboard area
Dashboard area

Here are the main features within the Dashboard area on the My Assignments page:

Feature Description
My Assignments counter The number in round brackets denotes the number of objects that have been assigned for you to work on.
Dashboard chart A chart detailing the breakdown of types of content assigned to you.
Checked Out Assignments icon How many objects are checked out by you. Clicking this filters the List of Assignments for all the objects checked out by you.
Due Assignments icon The number of assignments that are due or past due. Clicking this filters the List of Assignments for all assignments that are past their due or due soon.

List of Assignments

On the My Assignments page the List of Assignments is where you will do most of your work in CCMS Web.

Figure: List of Assignments
List of Assignments

The List of Assignments shows all the objects assigned to you. When an object is assigned to you and in the correct status, it becomes an active assignment and appears here.

You can use the column headers to filter your assignments, and you can click on the row for an assignment to get more information about it. The last column shows you all the available actions that you can take on the assignment, such as whether you can edit or move it.