Anti-virus exceptions

Anti-virus and security solutions should be set so that they do not scan-on-write any files used by IXIASOFT CCMS components.

Anti-virus scanners can interfere with CCMS components and connection ports. Each component performs frequent disk I/O operations and requires quick access and low latency.

If desired, scheduled scans can be performed, preferably at times where usage of the system will be lower as performance will be affected.

Disable scan-on-write on the following directories and communication ports:

CCMS component Exclude directories Exclude ports
IXIASOFT TEXTML Server Folder containing the Content Store (data)

Destination of any backup

Parent folder of all instances of IXIASOFT TEXTML Server where the configuration files and logs are saved

IXIASOFT TEXTML Server communication port
IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator Installation directory IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator communication port
IXIASOFT CCMS Scheduler Installation directory No required exclusion
IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop Working directories for Tomcat No required exclusion
IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop Folder containing the CCMS Desktop installation

Folder containing the workspace of CCMS Desktop, either local or on the Citrix/RDP server or network share

CCMS Desktop communication port