Annotations in Collaborative Reviews

In a Collaborative Review, reviewers add annotations to provide all their feedback.

Annotations in the body content area

When you hover over an annotation in the Body Content area, a dialog appears with the annotation and all the replies. If you click that dialog, the Annotations side panel scrolls to that annotation.

When something is part of more than one annotation, a dialog appears consolidating all the annotations for the highlighted text.

Annotations in the Annotations side panel

When you hover over an annotation in the Annotations side panel, the annotation is highlighted in the Body Content area.

And if you click on an annotation in the Annotations side panel, you will jump to the annotation in the Body Content area.

Status for annotations

Each annotation has a status. Writers can use these statuses to keep track of their work. Reviewers can see the status, but they cannot change the status.

  • Unresolved: The writer needs to address these Annotations. This is the default status for all new annotations.
  • Resolved: The writer has finished working with this Annotation.
  • Accepted: The writer has accepted the proposed changes, but the changes have not been made yet.
  • Rejected: The writer decided not to make the proposed changes in the content.