How can I search on the Tracker ID value?

You can create an index to search using the Tracker ID entered when releasing a topic.


I want to search based on a Tracker ID value that was entered when releasing a topic.


This index is not defined in the default configuration and must be added manually.


In the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following
  1. Edit the Index Definition file to add the following indexes:
    <index NAME="change_tracker_id" CUSTOMPROPERTY="True" SYNC="False">
       <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
          <element DEPTH="INFINITE" XPATH="//trackerId"/>
    <index NAME="change_tracker_id_1" CUSTOMPROPERTY="True" SYNC="False">
       <stringindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
          <element XPATH="//trackerId" DEPTH="INFINITE"/>
  2. In the summaries section, add the following field:
    <field NAME="change_tracker_id_1" TYPE="Index" VALUE="All"/>
  3. To display a column named Tracker ID in the Search Results view and other views, edit the system/conf/display.xml file and add the following:
    <key halign="LEFT" label="Tracker ID" name="change_tracker_id_1" sortOrder="ASC" sortType="ALPHA" type="Index" visibility="255" width="175"/>
  4. When the indexing is complete, restart your IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop.
  5. Add the new column to your Search Results view.