Install a new docbase

This procedure describes how to install a new, unpopulated docbase into TEXTML Server.

Docbases must be installed on a local drive or a storage area network (SAN) on the machine where you installed TEXTML Server. They cannot be installed on a Windows share or network file system (NFS) volume.

IXIASOFT recommends that you store all the docbases in a top-level folder, called docbases, and then create a sub-folder for the TEXTML Server version and then a sub-folder for each docbase so you can quickly identify and differentiate your docbases.

For example, if you had a production and a testing environment, you could have the following paths:

  • c:\docbases\TEXTML45\Prod_v50
  • c:\docbases\TEXTML45\Test_v50

To install a new docbase:

  1. Create a directory for your docbase on a local drive or a storage area network (SAN) on the machine where you installed TEXTML Server.
    For example: C:\docbases\TEXTML[serverversion]\Prod_v[cmsversion]; where [serverversion] is the TEXTML Server version and [cmsversion] is the IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop version.
  2. Give TEXTML Server permissions for the high-level directory (for example, the docbases directory) and its subdirectories:
    1. Right-click the high-level directory and select Properties.
    2. Select the Security tab.
    3. Select the user under which TEXTML Server is running.

      If the identity given to TEXTML Server does not appear, you must add it.

      Important: By default, LOCAL SERVICE is the identity given to the TEXTML Server and Metaservices components when TEXTML Server is installed. But if TEXTML Server is running in a cluster or forest, TEXTML Server may be running as another user.
    4. Click Edit and set up full permissions for the username:

      Figure: Giving permissions to TEXTML Server

    5. Click OK.
  3. Open the TextmlServer Console Java.
    Tip: If you are creating a Chinese or Japanese language docbase, be sure to change the server's default ICU word parsing properties before proceeding.
  4. In the TEXTML Administration view, double-click the server. If your server is not displayed in the view, you must add it to the view.
  5. When the Connect as dialog opens, type your username and password and click OK.
  6. In the TEXTML Administration view, right-click the server and click Install Document Base.
    The Install Document Base dialog opens.

    Figure: Installing a docbase

  7. In the Name box, type the name of the docbase.
    Note: While the name of the docbase can be different from the name of the docbase folder, IXIASOFT highly recommends that you use the same name.
  8. In the Data box, type the path to the docbase folder.
    Important: If you opened the TextmlServer Console Java or TEXTML Server perspective from a different machine than where TEXTML Server and the docbase are installed, you must enter the full path to the docbase on the machine where it is installed (and the Browse button is disabled).
  9. Optional: Do one of the following:
    • To have logger records saved in the docbase directory, select Use same directory for logs.
    • To have logger records written to a different directory, specify a folder in the Logs box.
    Note: Logger records (not to be confused with transaction logs) are duplicates of the master record for docbase transactions. TEXTML Server creates logger records when performing write operations on the docbase. Users who expect frequent intense write activity on a docbase may choose to locate the logger records in a separate directory residing on a different physical disk to improve performance.
  10. Under Installation Type, click New document base to install a new and empty docbase entity.
  11. Click OK.
    The new docbase and its associated subfolders appear as child nodes of the server.
  • Look in the logs. Open the textml_log.txt file in %ProgramData%\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer45\Log\ and check the error message details.
  • If you get an Error installing document base message, repeat the procedure, ensuring that the Name is a docbase folder also selected in the Data box.
  • An error can occur if you have not set the permissions correctly for the docbase. Make sure full permissions are given to the LOCAL SERVICE.