Import documents into a docbase

You can import XML documents into your docbases through the Administration Console as described below or by creating a program to import them.

Note: If you previously migrated a docbase, its documents will be automatically added to the console.

This procedure describes how to import documents using the Administration Console. To import documents using your own program, see the TEXTML Server SDK Programming Guide.

Non-XML files such as JPG image files can also be imported into your docbases, but non-XML files cannot be indexed. When you import them using the procedure below, make sure that the Indexable option is not selected. IXIASOFT recommends that you import non-XML files separately from XML files.

To import documents into a docbase:

  1. Open the TEXTML Server Administration Console and connect to the server.
  2. Expand the docbase, right-click Repository and select Insert Documents.
    The Insert Documents Dialog appears.

    Figure: Inserting documents

  3. Do one of the following:
    • To add a single document to the docbase, click Add File.
    • To add a folder of documents to the docbase, click Add Folder.
    Note: If you select a folder, it will be considered a collection once imported.
    Restriction: Do not select folders from existing docbases—they are structured and cannot be imported directly into the Administration Console. Note, however, that existing docbases from previous TEXTML Server versions can be migrated and then managed through the Administration Console.
  4. Navigate to the desired document or folder, select it, then click OK.
    The Insert Documents Dialog window displays the selected document or folder.
  5. Repeat from Step 2 to add additional documents or folders if desired.
    Do not mix XML and non-XML files within the same import operation, or you will not be able to select the indexable option. (If you select the Indexable option for a file list that includes non-XML files, these files will not be imported and you will get error messages.)
  6. Under Set Options, set up the options, as follows:
    • To add only the documents not already in the docbase, select Add. TEXTML Server will not replace existing files with the same name as the selected files, and will generate an error for each file that is already present in the docbase.
    • To replace all the documents in the docbase that have the same name as the selected files, select Replace. TEXTML Server will not check to see which files are newer, and will not generate any errors.
    • To add new documents, and replace existing ones, select both Add and Replace.
  7. If you chose Replace, under Version Control, choose one of the following:
    • To use the version control configuration in the target docbase, select Use document base setting.
    • To keep the existing document versions, select Replace current version.
    • To increment the document version, select Create new version.
    • TEXTML Server is configured to keep a specific number of previous versions in the docbase. To remove the oldest versions if the maximum number of previous versions is reached, select Remove oldest version if maximum number of version is reached. If you do not select this option and the maximum number of previous versions is reached, the new document cannot be imported and the following message is displayed:
      This document cannot be replaced because the maximum number of versions, which is %d, has been reached or exceeded.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • For XML documents, select Indexable (recommended).
    • For non-XML files, clear the Indexable option.
    Tip: Indexable files are XML documents that can be scanned by TEXTML Server and added to the indexes, making them searchable.
  9. Click OK.
The documents and/or folders are imported into the docbase.