Docbase properties

This section describes the properties displayed when a docbase node is selected in the Administration Console, as in the example below:

Figure: Properties view for a docbase

The view displays the docbase properties organized by numbered categories (General, Repository, Indexes and so on).

General parameters

Table 1. General parameters
Property Description
Automatic update enabled If True, indexing tasks will be carried out according to the automatic update configuration.
Current operation A dynamic parameter that displays current indexing operations (if any):
  • Indexing - content (or indexed content) is being indexed.
  • Deindexing - content (or indexed content) is being deindexed.
  • Updating - an indexing update is being performed.
  • Repair - if the docbase has become corrupted, it will attempt to repair itself. If this operation does not resolve itself, call IXIASOFT technical support.
Docbase name The docbase name as it appears in the Administration Console.
Docbase version IXIASOFT docbase version number, used for internal purposes.
Locale The language and country code for this docbase. The locale setting controls how indexed terms are sorted in lists. The default setting, Fr_CA (French Canada), means that accented characters are interpreted as if they were not accented. Thus, for example, TEXTML Server would interpret the é, e or è characters in a list of terms as though they were all unaccented e`s.
Needed operations Displays needed indexing operations:
  • Indexing - content (or indexed content) needs to be indexed.
  • Deindexing - content (or indexed content) needs to be deindexed.
  • Updating - custom properties need to be indexed/deindexed.
  • Repair - docbase requires repair.
Path The absolute path to the TEXTML Server instance on its local server
Status Docbase status, which may be:
  • Ready - the docbase is ready and normal operations may be carried out.
  • ReadyLocked - the docbase is locked, but searches may be carried out.
  • ReadyBackingUp - the docbase is being backed-up.
  • Corrupted - call IXIASOFT technical support.
Version control enabled If True, version control functions will be carried out according to version control configuration.

Repository parameters

Table 2. Repository parameters
Property Description
Document count The number of documents in the repository. This parameter is also visible as # of documents
Documents to deindex Number of documents which have been deleted, but whose terms have not yet been removed from the index lists. In the next deindexing process, pointers to these documents will be removed from index lists.
Previous versions count The number of previous versions of the current documents.

Index parameters

The Property column for Indexes displays the names of user-defined indexes (and unit indexes, if any). The Value column displays the attributes. For example:
Byline Word (100%) Sync=False Status=Ok 
The attributes in the Value column can be defined as follows:
  1. The name of the index (Byline in the example above).
  2. The type of index - Date, String, Numeric or Word.
  3. The percentage of indexing that is complete (100% in the example above).
  4. The Sync value can be either True (the index will be updated as document operations take place); or False ( the index will be updated according to automatic index update settings).
  5. The Status value is one of the following:
    • OK - indexing is up to date.
    • Indexing - indexing operations are taking place.
    • Deindexing - indexing operations are taking place.
    • IndexingInterrupted - a batch process has been interrupted. This message will resolve itself after a short time.
    • DeindexingInterrupted - a batch process has been interrupted. This message will resolve itself after a short time.
    • Corrupted - call IXIASOFT technical support.
Note: If no indexes have been defined in the Index Definition document, this section will not appear.

Document properties parameters

The Property column for Properties displays the names of document properties that are automatically indexed by TEXTML Server. The Value column displays the attributes.

For example:
String (100%) Status=Ok 

The attributes in the Value column can be defined as follows:

  1. The type of index - Date, String, Numeric or Word.
  2. The Status value is one of the following:
    • OK - indexing is up to date.
    • Indexing - indexing operations are taking place.
    • Deindexing - indexing operations are taking place.
    • IndexingInterrupted - a batch process has been interrupted. This message will resolve itself after a short time.
    • DeindexingInterrupted - a batch process has been interrupted. This message will resolve itself after a short time.
    • Corrupted - call IXIASOFT technical support.